Saturday, May 18, 2013

Garden Tour

 This garden tour is for Millie.

Thornless Blackberries are covered with blooms, can hardly wait, yum, yum.

Several varieties of blueberries are getting ready to produce and this promises to be a good year.

 A very small purple iris.
 Banana tree grove has about 14 so far.  Big ones are growing from the old trunks and lot of babies.  The largest are about eight feet high.

The pot grew back from last year and the frog is a begonia.

This is one of the wandering iris.
They have shown up in an area where we do not mow.

And are trying to take over the fish pond.

First day lillies, Stella Dora

 Candy Cane Crinum

Dragon Wing Begonia

Stay tuned...